Go To School, They Said. Learn a Trade, They Said…

This is Rob the Master Plumber, who muttered the above as he was finishing off the excavation and prep for our shiny new grease trap. Here, he’s tamping down the crushed limestone we’ll be bedding the tank into with the sweet tamper I made out of some scrap pipe and guardrail. Rob says, “You know they have machines to do this,” as he sweats mightily. Got me thinking, so I grabbed some more scrap off the pile and fabbed up a shoe to install onto our deluxe mini jackhammer. Works great!

So the grease separator is bedded in, and we’ve figured out how deep the relative sections of drain need to be, so we just have to dig another 80 or so feet of trench through clay, broken brick, concrete chunks, and whatever other unexpected surprises await us.

Other exciting developments: the street/curb/sidewalk is finally patched and restored, and our new water service line and meter are in. Still looks like a disaster, but all significant milestones.

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