Lovely Lager

Batch #1 has moved from a cylindro-conical fermenter to a horizontal lagering tank. There it shall dwell for some weeks, before being kegged and made ready to serve.

Pinsetter Wanted

Make that PINTsetter? We (Skip) are starting to assemble our taproom furniture.

Gyle #1

We produced our first batch of wort Saturday before last. As with any first full run on a new brewery, there were some surprises. In our case, though I checked and calibrated 4 FVs, 2 brite tanks, 2 lager tanks,… Continue Reading…

Cool(er) Door

We Have

This: And this: And also this: Therefore, we shall brew some beer forthwith.

We Made Hot Water Today

Everybody’s favorite, mmmmm. Coming up, full brewhouse CIP/re-passivation, then same for the cellar tanks. Then, brewing. Hope I remember how!

Flying Colors

Despite being configured and installed by me, the mill and auger seem to be up to the job at hand. (Pro-tip: it’s easier to set the gap on a mill that’s spinning in the right direction.) One concern was that… Continue Reading…

Upgrading Alibaba

Speaking of modifications, (weren’t we?) the keg washer that was included in the purchase of the brewery is of the ‘’ sort, ie junky Chinese-fabricated, and included neither a pressure gauge nor a heater for the detergent tank. Not ideal,… Continue Reading…

Saving My Button Finger

So, in measuring volumes with the mashtun flowmeter, it quickly became apparent that some streamlining was necessary. To reset the total gallons on the the mashtun flowmeter required like 15 keypresses through 3 menus, instead of the more typical ‘push/hold… Continue Reading…

The Fountain

I just realized I never posted this video of our beautiful fountain in operation. Since this was taken, a couple of small refinements were made to the installation but this is essentially the finished project: