Not Actually As Roomy As It Looks

But not too bad, either! Since the water’s been connected, I’ve been testing all the brewhouse piping and making tweaks as I go. I’m finding lots of things to customize as I get it all up and running. I wanted… Continue Reading…

Secret Ingredient?

The bottles are the perfect size & shape to serve as reservoirs for my water treatments. Should I de-label them? Leaning that way, currently.

Progress: Another Facet

(Looking forward to posting ‘Progress: Another Faucet.’ Soon….) All the tanks are in final position and leveled. This week, I’ll have filtered hot and cold water supplies completed to the brewhouse, and my utility and hand sinks. Still to be… Continue Reading…

This Seems Like a Significant Milestone

Lots happening here, finishing & painting walls, floors, etc, but this is pretty visible: That’s pretty official. Sh*t’s getting real….

A Tale of Two Partners

On a recent Saturday morning, one partner hung drywall in the brewery. Another effed around. OK, it just looks like effing around. I’m starting final assembly on the grant fountain; today I installed the water manifold in its final position.… Continue Reading…

Fire Department Connection

With personality!

Brewhouse in Place

The kettle, mashtun/HLT, and brew platform are in their final position, bolted together, and leveled. That feels like progress. Just finished reconnecting all of the conduit and wiring, and working out where all the pipes go, including a bunch of… Continue Reading…

Custom Shadow Box

The mechanical contractor had a 48″ brake on site, and some leftover 26 ga. sheet, so I took advantage. I don’t expect to win Tin Knocker of the Year, but it should do the job.

Evolution: Brewery

Brewery floor is done, and we’ve moved the gear in so we can work on the taproom floor & stuff.

Constructive Behavior

Cooler box is assembled in kitchen, followed by separating wall and cook line exhaust hood. Brewery floor is cleared and in the midst of being prepped for epoxy. Dudes be getting our ducts in a row. Not shown: bathroom plumbing… Continue Reading…