Full Measure Has a Delivery Truck

…For certain values of ‘truck’. We spotted this three-wheeled pickup truck in a post on Jalopnik.com, and knew immediately where it could find a good home. What the hell is it? Glad you asked! Let’s go with the official data… Continue Reading…

We Own a Building

We closed on our purchase of the former Corridor Sausage building in Eastern Market, on the corner of Orleans and Division. There’s lots of work to be done to turn it into our taproom+brewery+restaurant+looney bin, but we’re eagerly setting to… Continue Reading…

Merch Updated and Expanded

That pretty much covers it. There’s hoodies and other stuff folks were asking for here. Nunua kitu!


Friendship, for those not conversant auf Deutsch. This malty, toasty Munich Dunkel was a collaboration brew with our good friends at Drafting Table Brewing Co in Wixom. Get some in cans at the brewery, or your local beer store. If… Continue Reading…


We’re not brewing just yet, but our merchandise page is up and running. Check it out here.

Virtual Meeting With Architects Tomorrow

We’ll see if they think we can fit our stuff into this building.