Not Actually As Roomy As It Looks
November 29, 2024
But not too bad, either! Since the water’s been connected, I’ve been testing all the brewhouse piping and making tweaks as I go. I’m finding lots of things to customize as I get it all up and running. I wanted to find out the maximum safe kettle capacity, and also calibrate the sight glasses on the kettle & bright tanks, etc.

I filled the kettle to what I’d guess is the absolute safe max to boil, and then pumped it out through the flowmeter, giving a little over 250 gallons, or a bit over 8 barrels. Not bad for a nominal 5 barrel system! We’ve got power to the brewhouse, keg washer, mill, and auger. Still need the steam and flue stacks connected and through the roof, and the glycol loop completed & chiller started up.