Happy As…

So, almost 3 weeks ago I brewed batch #1, a dunkel. Next day, I mashed in for a saison, and as the kettle filled, I switched on the burner and… nothing. While keeping an eye on the lautering, I frantically… Continue Reading…

Lovely Lager

Batch #1 has moved from a cylindro-conical fermenter to a horizontal lagering tank. There it shall dwell for some weeks, before being kegged and made ready to serve.

Gyle #1

We produced our first batch of wort Saturday before last. As with any first full run on a new brewery, there were some surprises. In our case, though I checked and calibrated 4 FVs, 2 brite tanks, 2 lager tanks,… Continue Reading…

We Have

This: And this: And also this: Therefore, we shall brew some beer forthwith.